Pretth frickin' sweet
I absoloutly loved the last scene, it was just awesome. That must have taken forever to put together, considering the special effects that was put into it.
There were alot of scenes, and that got a good thing going for it, but some of the stories, like the bad guy meeting, seemed to go on, and on, and on.
I'm not a huge fan of pixelization, mostly because you cant see the people too well. but you did do a good job putting the whole thing together, and adding all of the pixel people in it. I gave it a 9 becauseof the long dragged out storyine and a small part was because of pizelization. yea yea, its kind of an art to it, and thats mainly why i gave it a 9, too. Good stories, great action, awesome humor, great job over all, 9/10 5/5